Pics Of My Mates
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This is photos of the mad gang i hang around with...

This is just some of the people i hang with
top row - ross martin ian
middle - chuck, me, susan, ann linsay
bottom, Couper, Danny
Aint they mad lol
Couper, Ross and Puggs
one of my maddest mates
Smokin's a pure bad habit!
One of my bestest guy mates and funniest. ayaaaaaah
Ross and Hoofter
Ross is really kool and Hoofter is an absolute nutter and can be annoying at times!
Iain and Couper
These two used to be mad togetha!
One of me best mates Laura and my mate Martin
Apart from Linsay and Hunter, Laura is the person ive known longest from da Neil St Gang, ive known Laura since our 'pop music times' which were brill lol. ahhhhh the memories. Martins dead kool too, only known him for about a year, but he's a well good m8