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I took some Lord Of The Rings Personality tests and here are the results:

I am...

I'm Orlando Bloom!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?


I fancy Elves.
The only one that will ever look good in tights. Oh yea.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani
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What Orlando Bloom are You?
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YOU ARE A WARRIOR ELF! You're known as an elf who's not afraid to go to battle - you always have your bow beautifully polished and ready for action! Although you're the bravest elf out there, you tend to neglect your social life in favour of battle quests, so it might pay to find another hobby or two.

If I lived in Middle-Earth, it would be in:
The Shire

The rolling green hills, the springtime weather, and especially being surrounded by the ones you love makes the Shire a comfortable area for you. You love being surrounded only by the ones you care about, and you only desire this in an environment that is vast and open to nature, unlike in the cities or the caves.

What Weapon Are You?

I fire

You are Merry! You like mushrooms and are very funloving! You often come up with ideas- sometimes right in the nick of time, too! You're pretty bright but you use your "brightness" for evil- okay, so you use it to pull pranks, big difference! You like to be surrounded by people like you and you like to have a good time with your friends. You are young and enjoy your life, and that's just fine- just go easy on the pranks, all right?
  Frodo lives a peaceful life in the Shire until he is unfortunate enough to inherit the ring from his Uncle Bilbo. Frodo is determined to destroy the ring and defeat the Dark Lord. Though the thought of this scares him out of his wits, he still marches forth bravely into Mordor with his faithful friend and servant Sam.

Doomed to be Boromir!

Many people despise the book you for trying to steal the One Ring from
Frodo and being generally arrogant but the film you has redeemed this
sullied reputation. Too bad it required rolling around on the floor
with Hobbits and getting shot up by Orcs! Don't worry though your death
scene is Oscar caliber and your action figure ain't half bad!

member of the Fellowship are you doomed to be?

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Which Lord of the Rings Character Do You Fancy?

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